Santa brought me a small pink digital camera for Christmas. Being married to a professional photographer for over two decades, I've had little occasion to handle a camera all these years, so this--believe it or not--is my first hands-on experience with a digital camera. So far it's taking a heck of a lot of getting used to. I keep wanting to press the LCD screen on the back of the camera against my eye (Mr. Lucky: "WHAT are you DOING, Karen?") instead of holding it out and trying to focus on the perfect shot the new way.
Love the photo of your tree! Congrats on joining the world of digital photography. I treated my self this December by buying a small, inexpensive digital camera for Christmas. It's been fun trying to figure how to work it, download it, and post the darn photos.
Missed you at the TARA party, but I did manage to take some pics! ;)
Love your tree and you're going to love the camera. It does take some getting used to, but it's fun and instant. The instant part is my favorite. :)
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